2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain~ 'Where is my younger sister?'

Hello I am Lauren  Thankyou for visit my blog
I wrote story. It is 'Where Is My Younger Sister?'
It is fun
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Maybe it is because I went to zoo with our buetiful and cute baby.Our baby is only 3 years old. She can not speak very well.She can only speak mom and dad.But then I lost her.But how come I lost her? I have to be carful.I think she will crying and calling mom and dad.Where is she? I wondered.I must find her.If not, my mom will mad at me and do not allow me to go to zoo once more.Think,think,think..........Finaly I got an idea. She will be in the supermarket because she like eating food and it is time for eating lunch.So I went to the closest supermarket.But there was no little girl.So I asked to the owner."Excuse me. Did you see a girl in your supermarket?" Then the owner said " Yes. But she went to left." I think if she have a cell phone it is much easier to find her.So I went to the left side as fast as I can.At there I saw a little girl who is crying with a loud voice. So I went closer to her.But she was not my younger sister.Suddenly a metal thing bounce of my head. I got hurt.I was syncope for a while.After few minutes I woke up.I can not remember what happened today.After few minutes passed, I remember that I was finding my younger sister.When I was going to find my younger sister, I heard a voice."wake up"It was my mom. And beside my mom there was my younger sister. It was a dream! Even though it was a dream I was happy to see my younger sister again.^^

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