2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T:About 'Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter,Spring'flim

 There is a film named 'Spring, summer, fall, widter, adn spring'. I watched spring part and this part was about situation between teacher and student. The summry of this film is same as blow. They live together in the temple and belive in Budda. A young student likes to playing with animals such as fish, frog, and snake. One day, a young student was palying with animals by tie them using thread and roak. He bully many animals. Because of roak and thread, animals was hard to move. The teacher saw this situation. And do the same thing to the student when he was sleeping. So student said " Please release this rope. It is painful to me". So the teacher said  " If you release animal that you tied and if those animal is alive I will release you. But if one of them die, you will have that heavy roak in your mind forever". So the student went out to release them. But only frog was alive. Other two was dead. So he cried.
 I think the teacher was trying to teach the importance of the living thing's life. Because he said release animal that student tied. And  I think because of Budda's teach, the teacher think the living thing's life is important. Also, I don't like the teacher's way to teach student. Because the student is very young. Most of the young students can not compare rather the thing that he or she do is good or bad. So I think he should teach the young student by saying what is wrong about him.
 I do not have same experience like the young student in this film. Because our parent punish by saying what is wrong with me. But I have experience about hurting animal. When I was very young, I had 2 hamsters. One day I was cleaning the hamster and my mother was washing hamster's house. But at that time, I don't have a lots of information about taking care about hamster. So I was playing with my hamster in the water suddenly hamster died. I was so sad.
 In conclusion, I think the teacher was trying to teach the importance of the living thing to student

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