2011년 1월 25일 화요일

History Presentation

Topic : Ancient Egypt
 Hello? I am guide Lauren and today I will invite you to ancient Egypt. I will introduce the location of Egypt the first. Second I will introduce about the history of ancient Egrpt. Third, I will introduce famous pharaohs. Lastly I will introduce about remains of ancient Egypt. I will tell you my opinion during my presentation so listen carefully.I will tell you the reason why I choose this topic. The reason why I choose this topic is because I wantted to know about ancient civilization. So I looked up my book which is 'The Story of the World'. There were a lots of ancient civilization such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hwang Ho, and so on. And then I picked Egyp[t because Egypt was a strong country. Anyway I will back to my presentation. I prepared time machine that have 18seats! Let's get on the time machine and travel to Egypt! Are you ready to travel? Then Let's go!
 We are now landed on the ancient Egypt time. Can you see Egypt's land in the handout? This land is located in North Western of Africa continent. Now I will introduce ancient Egypt History by dynasties. Before 6000years from now on, the Egypt was seperated in to two. Which is Upper and Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt was in nile delta. Nile delta is a place that the river is sepearated in to many branches.In the picture upper part that connect to Meditterean sea is nile delta. In this place when rain or snow falls a lot the river floods. Because of this, farmers get damage because of flood. But farmers didn't think that flood is  bad. Because, when the river floods, it transport alluvial soil that makes crops to grow well. Also because river floods preodically, they can prevent. So there were not that much of damage. Lower Egypt citizen was ruled by a king who wear red crown. Now I will introduce about  Upper Egypt. Upper Egypt is located under the Lower Egypt. This part, citizen was ruled by king who wear white crown.In B.C. 3000, Menes king who is came from Upper Egypt, unified two land. After Menes unified the empire, the time is called 'the 1st dynasty'. After Menes unified two Egypt, Egypt developed. They maintenanced or fixed the system of hieroglyphics. And they made calenders. You will probably know that 1 year is 365days. This is basic imformation isn't it? This basic imformation comes from ancient Egypt. In the 3rd dynasty, pharaoh Djoser was famous for making pyramid at the fist time.During 4th dynasty, pharaoh's power became stronger. The 5th dynasty was built by Userkaf. He made 'Ra'which is sun god to be main god instead of Osiris god. Also he thought he is a son of 'Ra' and made temple for 'Ra' god. Egypt was getting weaker from 5th dynasty. During 6th dynasty to 10th dynasty,Egypt became a lot weak. In 11th dynasty, Mentuhotep the 2nd, reunified the upper and lower Egypt.After reunification he invaded Nubia, Libya, Syria, and Sinai. And it was sucessful! Amenemat began the 12th dynasty. This dynasty is called the Golden Age. During Sesostris the 3rd and Amenemat the 3rd was ruling the empire, there were peace. Egypt welcomed foreigners in the early 12th dynasty especialy Asian. But during late 12th dynasty, Egypt's rights were getting weaker. During 16th dynasty to 17th dynasty Hyksos group ruled Egypt. Asian's rule gave Egypt a lots of improve or develope. For an example, other culture, many skills, new crops, adn new weapons. In 18th dynasty, Ahmose dissipate the Hyksos group's power in Nile Delta. He reunified upper and lower Egypt again. Tutmosis the 3rd succeed the invade. It means he recovered the ancient time's land! Amenhotep the 4th is a pharaoh who practice monothesim. Monotheism is belive in only one god. The reason why it is important is because at that time there were a lots of god. He changed the capital city and made new city which is Akhetaten. Pharaoh Tut was famous in this period of time. I will introduce him later. In 19th dynasty, Seti the 1st became a pharaoh. Before he became phraoh he was a goo military leader. He used force to make Hittite kingom to be weak. And treated the Libya people who wants to come to Nile Delta, very well. 3rd pharaoh who is Ramses the 2nd, ruled Egypt for 66 years. Isn't it amazing? I think his life expecdancy was realy long. Anyway I will back to my presentation. Also, th made treaty of peace adn allianced with Hittite kingdom. In 20th dynasty, was same as

댓글 2개:

  1. I like your history presentation, but it could be better if you have divided paragraphs.

  2. WoW!! You wrote about your history presentation~ It was really interesting presentation..
