2011년 1월 4일 화요일

My Second Day Of GLPS

Today was very happy day
There was a interview to divide classes
And that result came out at night
Our room mate were going to 11th floor to study
When we go to ride elevator, there was a paper
I saw that paper There was a lots of students to see the result of dividing classes
I was class21 Only I am in class 21
Even though I am the only one who is studying in class 21 in my room mate, I was very happy
Class 21to 24 is intensive class!
Only I and one other student goes to intensive class
Today is my best day forever!

댓글 2개:

  1. Excellent! Very clean and polished! Glad to see you already have three posts!

    Mr. Garrioch

  2. Lauren!!
    I'm jenny(서연)
    I visit you because of my writing class
