2011년 1월 24일 월요일

compare and contrast essay

Difference between Korea and Banglore
My counrty(Korea)                                                   Akshadha country(Banglore)
       not much trees and gardens                                   a lots of trees and gardens
  buildings are usually tall                                            buildings are short
       monkey is in the zoo                                  monkey can move (have freedom)
       most of the apartment don't have rooftop                     have rooftop
       wires are in underground                         wires are located above the land

 I looked up to highrise to know about other country. And there were a lots of people in there . At there I choose baby because that baby looks cute. Also I wantted to know about that baby's country which is Banglore. So I watched video that is about that baby's country. And there were a lots of difference and little bit of similarity. I will introduce difference and similarity between our country and her country.
 I found 4 differences and 1 similarity. I will tell you about the differences first. First difference that I found is there are a lots of trees and gardens in Banglore but Korea do not have. Second difference that I found is in Banglore monkeys are having freedom but in Korea, monkeys are in the cage that is located in the zoo. I can not realy live in that place which is Banglore because monkeys are moving freely. May be that monkey hurt me! Anyway, I will back to my topic.Third that I found is  in Banglore most of the wires are not in underground. In Korea most of the wires are in the underground. But Banglore wires are above the land. Forth that I found is Banglore buildings are short. Korea's building such as 63builing is very tall.
Now I will introduce about similarity. The one similarity is in Korea and Banglore there are a lots of buildings.
In conclusion there are a lots of differences for culture and enviroment for different country.

댓글 2개:

  1. Good job comparing those two but what up with the last?

  2. Great job but a poor ending......................
